SignHealth work to improve the health and wellbeing of people who are Deaf. They provide some services directly in British Sign Language (BSL) and we work in partnership with the NHS.
The charity also provide therapy for Deaf people with depression, anxiety or similar disorders. Their sessions are carried out entirely in sign language, with a therapist who is fluent in sign. It means there is no interpreter in the room, which would slow down communication and reduce the intimacy that is important to this treatment.
In February, we took part in their annual fundraiser Sign2Sing. We learnt ‘Greatest Day’ by Take That in British Sign Language with the help of Miss O’Rourke and Fletch (a famous deaf popstar) via her online tutorial. You can imagine their excitement when Fletch actually visited St Bartholomew’s in person and they were able to perform for her. Through this event, we raised £153.47 for the SignHealth charity.
If you would like to find out more about their work, please visit their website: